Auctions and Notices
First Time Landlord and Accidental Landlord
Portfolio Growth
Commercial Tenants - Commercial Leases
Buying assets at the right price
Finding the right tenants with the right agreements
Caring for and maintaining those big assets
When to exit and at what price
Organized in 2025, we are chartered to provide educational information and operational knowledge to members across multiple asset classes. We are focused on END TO END OPERATIONS. What it takes to acquire, operate and sell assets while focusing all the important elements in between..
Membership Benefits
Membership to Wisconsin Real Estate Investors (WREI / WAA)
Online Community with Connections Across Wisconsin
Discount on Forms from WI Legal Blank
Industry Conferences Spring and Fall
Connect with your Legislators with Legislative Day in Madison
Rental Housing Resources – education with a discount
Full Time Lobbyist Support in Madison
Opportunities to Buy and Sell Properties Before They Hit The Market
Annual Holiday Party